Jill Winsness » Daily Learning Resources

Daily Learning Resources

Lesson Plan 

Tuesday, February 21 

Literacy Focus

Math Focus


GELDS: CLL5.4c Discusses books or stories read aloud and can identify characters and setting in a story.

Learning Target

I will identify characters and settings in a story. 

Success Criteria:

-I can talk about stories read to me.

-I can identify characters and settings in a story.  


Reread “The Beastly Feast”

Video Link (Optional):


CD-MA6.4a Recognizes and names common two & three dimensional shapes, their parts & attributes. 

Learning Target: I can recognize & name shapes.

Success Criteria:


- I can see shapes in the world. 

- I can name shapes. 

- I can tell about the different parts of a shape.


Attribute Blocks- I can build new shapes.  


CD-SS2.4a Identifies & follows rules of the classroom community. 

Learning Target: Following Classroom rules and routines

Success Criteria:

I can follow classroom rules and routines


Participating in Morning Meeting.

Video Link (Optional):


Digital Homework via Google Slides- Letter Ss.