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Daily Learning Target 11-6-23 -- 11-10-23

Daily Lesson Plan 

November 6-10 , 2023

Literacy Focus

Math Focus


GELDS: CLL 7.4  Students will develop a knowledge of letters.

Learning Target: I can recognize the letter Jj .

Success Criteria: I will name the letter J and name something that begins with the letter J 

Activity: The students will write the letter “J” and draw a picture of something that begins with a “J”.


CD-MA1.4b Recognizes numerals & uses counting as a part of play and means for determining quantity. 

Learning Target: I can count to 20.

Success Criteria:

I can count from 0-5.

I can count from 0-10.

I can count from 0-20 correctly without skipping numbers.


Calendar- Count Days in the Month


Learning Target: I can explain and celebrate different celebrations in our community.

Activity: Read the Let’s Find Out article,Here Come the Veterans! Discuss and learn about Veteran’s Day celebration. Students will create a poster to celebrate veterans.

HOMEWORK:Name Tracing: One time then  write. Complete the Letter Jj worksheet. Help your child trace, find, color and write. Read 15 minutes each night. Help your child complete the worksheet: “Veterans Day Parade Find It” Have you ever seen a parade? Talk about it.

Nursery Rhyme for this month:

Baa Baa, Black Sheep,

Have you any wool?

Yes sir, Yes Sir,

Three bags full.

One for my master,

One for my dame,

One for the little boy,

Who lives down the lane.

Daily Learning Target 10-24-23

 Daily Lesson Plan 

October 24, 2023

Literacy Focus

Math Focus


GELDS: CLL 7.4  Students will develop a knowledge of letters.

Learning Target: I can recognize the letter Hh .

Success Criteria: I will name the letter H and name something that begins with the letter H 

Activity: The students will write the letter “H” and draw a picture of something that begins with a “H”.


CD-MA1.4b Recognizes numerals & uses counting as a part of play and means for determining quantity. 

Learning Target: I can count to 20.

Success Criteria:

I can count from 0-5.

I can count from 0-10.

I can count from 0-20 correctly without skipping numbers.


Calendar- Count Days in the Month


4 Uses a variety of art materials for exploration

Learning Target: I will use materials to create art and recognize the art of others.

Success Criteria:  

I can use crayons, markers, stickers, paint, and other items to create art.


Easel painting a pumpkin

HOMEWORK:Name Tracing: One time then  write

Help your child work on the Letter of the Week

Nursery Rhyme for October:

Jack and Jill went up the hill,

To fetch a pail of water.

Jack fell down,

And broke his crown

And Jill came tumbling after

Daily Learning Target 10-17-23

 Daily Lesson Plan 

October 17, 2023

Literacy Focus

Math Focus


GELDS: CLL 7.4  Students will develop a knowledge of letters.

Learning Target: I can recognize the letter Gg .

Success Criteria: I will name the letter G and name something that begins with the letter G 

Activity: The students will write the letter “G” and draw a picture of something that begins with a “G”.


CD-MA1.4b Recognizes numerals & uses counting as a part of play and means for determining quantity. 

Learning Target: I can count to 20.

Success Criteria:

I can count from 0-5.

I can count from 0-10.

I can count from 0-20 correctly without skipping numbers.


Calendar- Count Days in the Month


Learning Target: I can use writing for a lot of reasons.

Success Criteria: 

-I can write a lot. 

-I can write to communicate.

-I can write to play

Activity: Writing letters and mailing them at the post office

HOMEWORK:Name Tracing: One time

Conversation Time!Community Helpers  doctor, firefighter, librarian, mail carrier, police officer, work and workers. 

Nursery Rhyme for October:

Jack and Jill went up the hill,

To fetch a pail of water.

Jack fell down,

And broke his crown

And Jill came tumbling after

Daily Learning Target 9-28-23

Daily Lesson Plan 

September 28, 2023

Literacy Focus

Math Focus


GELDS: CLL 7.4  Students will develop a knowledge of letters.

Learning Target: I can recognize the letter Ee .

Success Criteria: I will name the letter E and name something that begins with the letter E 

Activity: The students will write the letter “E” and draw a picture of something that begins with a “E”.


CD-MA1.4b Recognizes numerals & uses counting as a part of play and means for determining quantity. 

Learning Target: I can count to 20.

Success Criteria:

I can count from 0-5.

I can count from 0-10.

I can count from 0-20 correctly without skipping numbers.


Calendar- Count Days in the Month


Makes real world connections between stories and real-life experiences. 

Learning Target: I can connect to stories read aloud and discuss connections that I make.

Success Criteria:

-I can listen to the story.

-I can relate it to my life.

-I can talk about it with my teachers and friends.

Activity: Visit Media Center

HOMEWORK:Name Tracing: One time
Read our Let’s Find Out: “Plonk! It Is Autumn” Name some
things that fall off trees in Autumn. Which apple is your favorite

Nursery Rhyme for September:

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

How I wonder what you are

Up above the world so high

Like a diamond in the sky

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

How I wonder what you are.

Daily Learning Target 9-26-23

 Daily Lesson Plan 

September 26, 2023

Literacy Focus

Math Focus


GELDS: CLL 7.4  Students will develop a knowledge of letters.

Learning Target: I can recognize the letter Ee .

Success Criteria: I will name the letter E and name something that begins with the letter E 

Activity: The students will write the letter “E” and draw a picture of something that begins with a “E”.


CD-MA1.4b Recognizes numerals & uses counting as a part of play and means for determining quantity. 

Learning Target: I can count to 20.

Success Criteria:

I can count from 0-5.

I can count from 0-10.

I can count from 0-20 correctly without skipping numbers.


Calendar- Count Days in the Month

GELDS: CLL5.4d Makes real-world connections between stories and real-life experiences.

Learning Target: I can make real world connections by reading books.

Success Criteria: I can listen and make connections about the world around me.


LFO- “Plonk! It Is Autumn”

HOMEWORK:Name Tracing: One time. Conversation Time! We are beginning our new Unit: Our Community this week. Words to work into a conversation this week are: Apartments, block, building, community, firehouse,hospital, library and neighborhood.

Nursery Rhyme for September:

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

How I wonder what you are

Up above the world so high

Like a diamond in the sky

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

How I wonder what you are.

Daily Learning Target 9-22-23

Daily Lesson Plan 

September 22, 2023

Literacy Focus

Math Focus


GELDS: CLL 7.4  Students will develop a knowledge of letters.

Learning Target: I can recognize the letter Dd .

Success Criteria: I will name the letter D and name something that begins with the letter D. 

Activity: The students will write the letter “D” and draw a picture of something that begins with a “D”.


CD-MA1.4b Recognizes numerals & uses counting as a part of play and means for determining quantity. 

Learning Target: I can count to 20.

Success Criteria:

I can count from 0-5.

I can count from 0-10.

I can count from 0-20 correctly without skipping numbers.


Calendar- Count Days in the Month


The students will begin to measure using unconventional things... unifix cubes/counting links

Learning Target: I can measure objects.

Success Criteria:

I will measure different objects .


Activity: Students will use the unifix cubes to measure their hand and other objects.

HOMEWORK: Turn in your Homework Folder

Have a great weekend!!!

Nursery Rhyme for September:

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

How I wonder what you are

Up above the world so high

Like a diamond in the sky

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

How I wonder what you are.

Daily Learning Target 9-21-23

 Daily Lesson Plan 

September 21, 2023

Literacy Focus

Math Focus



CLL5.4d Makes real-world connections between stories and real-life experiences.

Learning Target: I can make real world connections by reading books.

Success Criteria: I can listen and make connections about the world around me.

Activity: Trip to the Media Center 


CD-MA1.4b Recognizes numerals & uses counting as a part of play and means for determining quantity. 

Learning Target: I can count to 20.

Success Criteria:

I can count from 0-5.

I can count from 0-10.

I can count from 0-20 correctly without skipping numbers.


Calendar- Count Days in the Month

GELDS: CD-CR2.4a,b,c

Learning Target: I will use materials to create art and recognize the art of others.

Success Criteria

I can use crayons, markers, stickers, paint, and other items to create art.

󠇃I can enjoy my peer’s art creations and give them compliments.


Using Apple Slices, Students will create apple stamp art.

HOMEWORK: Name Tracing/Writing: One Time

Read our Let’s Find Out – “Wink to say Hello!” Which

was your favorite way to say Hello?

Nursery Rhyme for September:

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

How I wonder what you are

Up above the world so high

Like a diamond in the sky

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

How I wonder what you are.

Daily Learning Target 9-20-23

 Daily Lesson Plan 

September 20, 2023

Literacy Focus

Math Focus


GELDS: CD-MA53.4 Child participates in measuring activities.

 Learning Target: I can tell which object is longer/shorter. 

Success Criteria: I can point to the taller/longest/shorter object 

Activity: Math Mat … looking at different objects the students will tell which is longer/shorter..


CD-MA1.4b Recognizes numerals & uses counting as a part of play and means for determining quantity. 

Learning Target: I can count to 20.

Success Criteria:

I can count from 0-5.

I can count from 0-10.

I can count from 0-20 correctly without skipping numbers.


Calendar- Count Days in the Month

GELDS: CD-SC3.4a, CD-MA7.4b,c

Learning Target: I can tell about classroom graphs.

Success Criteria: I can count the different parts of a graph.

I can say which group has the most (biggest).

 I can say which group has the least (smallest).  

Activity:Apple Tasting- which apple is your favorite? Students will pick their favorite apple and write th

HOMEWORK: Name Tracing/Writing: One Time

Help your child complete the worksheet Count To Be

Calm – Say the numbers with your child.

Nursery Rhyme for September:

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

How I wonder what you are

Up above the world so high

Like a diamond in the sky

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

How I wonder what you are.

Daily Learning Target 9-19-23

aily Lesson Plan 

September 19, 2023

Literacy Focus

Math Focus


GELDS: CD-MA53.4 Child participates in measuring activities.

 Learning Target: I can tell which object is longer/shorter. 

Success Criteria: I can point to the taller/longest/shorter object 

Activity: Math Mat … looking at different objects the students will tell which is longer/shorter..


CD-MA1.4b Recognizes numerals & uses counting as a part of play and means for determining quantity. 

Learning Target: I can count to 20.

Success Criteria:

I can count from 0-5.

I can count from 0-10.

I can count from 0-20 correctly without skipping numbers.


Calendar- Count Days in the Month

GELDS: CLL5.4d Makes real-world connections between stories and real-life experiences.

Learning Target: I can make real world connections by reading books.

Success Criteria: I can listen and make connections about the world around me.


LFO-Wink to Say Hello!

HOMEWORK:Name Tracing/Writing: One Time. Help your child complete the Star Letter Dd worksheet. Trace, Find, Color, Write.

Nursery Rhyme for September:

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

How I wonder what you are

Up above the world so high

Like a diamond in the sky

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

How I wonder what you are.

Daily Learning Target 9-18-23

 Daily Lesson Plan 

September 19, 2023

Literacy Focus

Math Focus


GELDS: CD-MA53.4 Child participates in measuring activities.

 Learning Target: I can tell which object is longer/shorter. 

Success Criteria: I can point to the taller/longest/shorter object 

Activity: Math Mat … looking at different objects the students will tell which is longer/shorter..


CD-MA1.4b Recognizes numerals & uses counting as a part of play and means for determining quantity. 

Learning Target: I can count to 20.

Success Criteria:

I can count from 0-5.

I can count from 0-10.

I can count from 0-20 correctly without skipping numbers.


Calendar- Count Days in the Month

GELDS: CLL5.4d Makes real-world connections between stories and real-life experiences.

Learning Target: I can make real world connections by reading books.

Success Criteria: I can listen and make connections about the world around me.


LFO-Wink to Say Hello!

HOMEWORK:Name Tracing/Writing: One Time; Conversation Time! Our Vocabulary words this week are alike, different, respect, similar, special, and tradition. This week we are talking about All Kinds of families. Can you talk about some special traditions your family


Nursery Rhyme for September:

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

How I wonder what you are

Up above the world so high

Like a diamond in the sky

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

How I wonder what you are.

Daily Learning Target 9-14-23

 Daily Lesson Plan 

September 14, 2023

Theme 2: Family

Week 1 – Who’s In My Family?

Literacy Focus

Math Focus


GELDS: CLL5.4c Discusses books or stories read aloud and can identify characters and setting in a story.

Learning Target: 

I will identify characters and settings in a story. 

Success Criteria:

-I can talk about stories read to me.

-I can identify characters and settings in a story.  

Activity: Read The Wonderful things you will be Children learn about how humans grow and change as they explore how they have changed from baby to child.  Using Science Poster 3, introduce Science Words: adult; baby; child. 


Learning Target

I will describe my family structure and family roles.


CD-MA1.4b Recognizes numerals & uses counting as a part of play and means for determining quantity. 

Learning Target: I can count to 20.

Success Criteria:

I can count from 0-5.

I can count from 0-10.

I can count from 0-20 correctly without skipping numbers.


Calendar- Count Days in the Month; small group Apple counting


The students will begin to recognize shapes.

Learning Target: I can name and match shapes.

Success Criteria: I will match shapes to the MathMat.

Activity: Shape Game.

HOMEWORK: Name Tracing: One Time Read our Let’s Find Out: I

Love My Neighborhood! Discuss different types of

Transportation you might see on the way to school.

Nursery Rhyme for September:

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

How I wonder what you are

Up above the world so high

Like a diamond in the sky

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

How I wonder what you are.

Daily Learning Target 9-13-23

Daily Lesson Plan 

September 13, 2023

Literacy Focus

Math Focus


GELDS: CLL 7.4  Students will develop a knowledge of letters.

Learning Target: I can recognize the letter Cc .

Success Criteria: I will name the letter C and name something that begins with the letter C. 

Activity: The students will write the letter “C” then make a caterpillar. 


CD-MA1.4b Recognizes numerals & uses counting as a part of play and means for determining quantity. 

Learning Target: I can count to 20.

Success Criteria:

I can count from 0-5.

I can count from 0-10.

I can count from 0-20 correctly without skipping numbers.


Calendar- Count Days in the Month; small group Apple counting


The students will begin to recognize shapes.

Learning Target: I can name and match shapes.

Success Criteria: I will match shapes to the MathMat.

Activity: Bears Busy Family Shape Activity.

HOMEWORK: Name Tracing: One Time

Help your child complete the worksheet: “All About My

Neighborhood.” Talk about what you like about your


Nursery Rhyme for September:

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

How I wonder what you are

Up above the world so high

Like a diamond in the sky

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

How I wonder what you are.

Daily Learning Target 9-12-23

Daily Lesson Plan 

September 12, 2023

Literacy Focus

Math Focus


GELDS: CLL 7.4  Students will develop a knowledge of letters.

Learning Target: I can recognize the letter Cc .

Success Criteria: I will name the letter C and name something that begins with the letter C. 

Activity: The students will write the letter “C” and draw a picture of something that begins with a “C”.


CD-MA1.4b Recognizes numerals & uses counting as a part of play and means for determining quantity. 

Learning Target: I can count to 20.

Success Criteria:

I can count from 0-5.

I can count from 0-10.

I can count from 0-20 correctly without skipping numbers.


Calendar- Count Days in the Month; small group Apple counting


The students will begin to recognize shapes.

Learning Target: I can name and match shapes.

Success Criteria: I will match shapes to the MathMat.

Activity: Students match shapes to the ones on the MathMat and name them.

HOMEWORK: Name Tracing: One Time

Star Letter of the Week Worksheet: Letter C. (Trace, Find,

Color, Write).elp your child complete the works

Nursery Rhyme for September:

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

How I wonder what you are

Up above the world so high

Like a diamond in the sky

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

How I wonder what you are.

Daily Learning Target 9-11-23

Daily Lesson Plan 

September 11, 2023

Literacy Focus

Math Focus


GELDS: CLL 7.4  Students will develop a knowledge of letters.

Learning Target: I can recognize the letters.

Success Criteria: I will name the letters A & B and name something that begins with the letters A & B. 

Activity: We will review letters Aa and Bb


CD-MA1.4b Recognizes numerals & uses counting as a part of play and means for determining quantity. 

Learning Target: I can count to 20.

Success Criteria:

I can count from 0-5.

I can count from 0-10.

I can count from 0-20 correctly without skipping numbers.


Calendar- Count Days in the Month

GELDS: CLL5.4d Makes real-world connections between stories and real-life experiences.

Learning Target: I can make real world connections by reading books.

Success Criteria: I can listen and make connections about the world around me.


LFO-I Love my Neighborhood!

HOMEWORK: Happy Grandparent’s Day!

Name Tracing: One Time, Conversation Time! Our Vocabulary words this week are caring, cousins, feelings and love. Talk about ways you show you care in your family!

Nursery Rhyme for September:

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

How I wonder what you are

Up above the world so high

Like a diamond in the sky

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

How I wonder what you are.

Daily Learning Target 9-08-23

Daily Lesson Plan 

September 8, 2023

Literacy Focus

Math Focus


GELDS: CLL 7.4  Students will develop a knowledge of letters.

Learning Target: I can recognize the letter Bb .

Success Criteria: I will name the letter A and name something that begins with the letter A. 

Activity: The students will write the letter “B” and draw a picture of something that begins with a “B”..


CD-MA1.4b Recognizes numerals & uses counting as a part of play and means for determining quantity. 

Learning Target: I can count to 20.

Success Criteria:

I can count from 0-5.

I can count from 0-10.

I can count from 0-20 correctly without skipping numbers.


Calendar- Count Days in the Month


Students will use simple tools correctly to experiment, observe, and increase understanding.

Learning Target: I will explore and describe the position and movement of objects and toys.

Success Criteria:

-I can explain why objects will change position and movement.

Activity: SInk Or Float experiment


Nursery Rhyme for September:

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

How I wonder what you are

Up above the world so high

Like a diamond in the sky

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

How I wonder what you are.