Amanda Durrence » Daily Learning Resources

Daily Learning Resources

Mrs. Durrence Pre-K Lesson Plan

September 6, 2022


Literacy Focus

Math Focus



CLL5.4b Retells familiar stories.


Learning Target:

I can retell familiar stories.


Success Criteria:

I talk about the characters in the story.


I talk about the events in the story.


I talk about my favorite parts of the story.



Story Time: Alike and Different Friends


Children learn that friends don't like all the same things in a reread of A Splendid Friend, Indeed. Introduce social studies vocabulary: alike; different.


Video Link (Optional):


CD-MA4.4c Creates and extends simple, repeating patterns.


Learning Target:

I can make a pattern.


Success Criteria:

I create a pattern that repeats.




Students will make a pattern using body movements (ex: clap, stomp, clap, stomp). Listen to the song “Banana Banana Meatball.”


Video Link (Optional):



SED3...the child will begin to demonstrate self-control.


Learning Target: Following Classroom rules and routines


Success Criteria:

I can follow classroom rules and routines



Social Studies/Science

Learning classroom rules and routines. Read “Llama Llama and the Bully Goat.”

Review Classroom rules poster and how to be a good friend! (not a bully)



HOMEWORK: Name Tracing:  One Time (use the laminated sheets we sent home)

Conversation Time!  This week we are talking about Getting Along with each other at school.  Use these vocabulary words to start a conversation with your child:  cooperate, share, turns.  How do you share or take turns at home?